
Ban on women workers in Afghanistan ‘setback’ for aid projects

workers could be a ‘huge blow’ to vital humanitarian aid projects.

According to the Washington Post, Martin Griffiths, the head of the United Nations humanitarian department, said in a news conference on Monday that “if the Taliban do not create an exception in their order, it will be catastrophic.”

He added that the delegation, which includes international aid groups, met with nine Afghan officials, including the foreign and finance ministers, to try to convince them that women’s participation in humanitarian aid programs is crucial.

“We were told that you should wait for a while, the Taliban authorities are making rules regarding the participation of women in relief work, which will be communicated to you.”

He further said that ‘Taliban is constantly giving the message that there will be scope of work for women which is very important.’

Martin Griffiths also said that a decree was issued by the Taliban on December 24, after which women were barred from working in aid groups. Women were given exemption in the health department and were allowed to get school education up to primary.
He said that the delegation made it clear to the Taliban authorities that even if they do not want to revoke their decree, these exceptions should be extended to cover all humanitarian work. In response to a question, he refrained from talking about any specific measures and said, “Let’s see that the principles of the Taliban have come out and how useful they are and also that they include women for aid projects.” How much scope is given in terms of working.’ It should be noted that in August 2021, almost 20 years after the departure of NATO forces, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan and despite the promises they made to the world at that time, restrictions have been imposed on women, including women’s work and primary education. After this, the ban on girls’ education is also included. After the arrival of the Taliban, the economic situation in Afghanistan is very bad as the aid funds were also stopped by the aid agencies. Omar Abidi, deputy executive director of the United Nations subsidiary UNICEF, who was part of the delegation, says that 60 million people in Afghanistan face food shortages and are not far from famine. “Due to this situation, there are fears that eight lakh 75 thousand children will not get proper development, that’s why it is very important to continue the relief work.” He also pointed to some positive things and said that even after the Taliban imposed on girls’ education after primary school, girls are still going to secondary school and about two lakh girls are continuing their education in 12 provinces. are.’ “Similarly, secondary school teachers are also receiving salaries from the Taliban authorities.” He said that ‘Taliban officials assured the delegation that they are not against girls’ education and that girls’ schools will be reopened once the rules related to women are formulated and approved by the authorities.’

Dental Expert Guide

Oral health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. Regular visits to the dentist and proper oral hygiene can prevent a variety of dental problems, from cavities to gum disease. However, many people may not know what to expect from a dental visit, or how to properly care for their teeth and gums. This guide will provide an overview of dental care, including tips for maintaining good oral health, what to expect during a dental visit, and common dental procedures.

Preventive Care

The best way to maintain good oral health is through preventive care. This includes regular visits to the dentist, as well as proper oral hygiene.

-Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

-Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth.

-Eat a healthy diet and limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks.

-Use an antiseptic mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen breath.

-Quit smoking or using tobacco products.

-Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

Regular Dental Visits

It is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year for a routine cleaning and checkup. During a typical visit, the dentist or dental hygienist will clean your teeth, check for cavities and other problems, and provide a professional fluoride treatment. They will also check your gums for signs of gum disease, such as inflammation and bleeding.

Common Dental Procedures

Crowns: A crown, also known as a cap, is a covering that fits over the top of a damaged tooth. Crowns are often used to restore a tooth that has been severely damaged by decay or trauma, or to improve the appearance of a misshapen or discolored tooth.

Root Canal: A root canal is a procedure to remove the infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth. The pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. Once the pulp is removed, the tooth is cleaned and sealed to prevent further infection.

Orthodontics: Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that specializes in the correction of malaligned teeth and jaws. Braces and clear aligners are common orthodontic treatment options.


Q: What is a dental expert?

A: A dental expert is a professional with advanced training and experience in the field of dentistry. They may specialize in a particular area of dentistry, such as orthodontics or periodontics.

Q: What does a dental expert do?

A: Dental experts provide a wide range of dental services, including preventive care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment for various oral health conditions. They may also perform procedures such as fillings, crowns, bridges, and implants.

Q: How do I find a dental expert?

A: You can find a dental expert by searching online for dental professionals in your area, or by asking for recommendations from your primary dentist or other healthcare providers. You can also check the American Dental Association’s website for a list of licensed dentists in your area.

Q: What should I expect during a visit with a dental expert?

A: During a visit with a dental expert, you can expect a thorough examination of your oral health, including an assessment of your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. The dental expert may take x-rays, and may also clean your teeth and provide you with oral hygiene instructions.


Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits are essential for maintaining good oral health. By following the preventive care tips outlined in this guide, and seeking treatment when needed, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. Remember to brush and floss daily, eat a healthy diet, and visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine cleaning and checkup. If you have any concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist. They are there to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile.


Fear of the Dentist

Going to the dentist can be a daunting experience for many people. A fear of the dentist, also known as dental phobia or odontophobia, is a common anxiety disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. This fear can range from mild nervousness to severe panic and can prevent individuals from seeking necessary dental care, leading to oral health problems.

Causes of Dental Phobia

There are several reasons why someone may develop a fear of the dentist. One of the most common causes is a previous negative experience at the dentist. This can include painful procedures, feeling out of control, or feeling judged by the dentist. Trauma or abuse can also lead to a fear of the dentist. Additionally, some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders.

Symptoms of Dental Phobia

Symptoms of dental phobia can vary from person to person but may include physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms may include sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, and even fainting. Psychological symptoms may include feelings of panic, anxiety, and dread at the thought of going to the dentist. Some people may also experience avoidance behaviors, such as canceling appointments or avoiding dental care altogether.

Treatment for Dental Phobia

Treatment for dental phobia can include a combination of therapy and medication. CBT is a common form of therapy used to treat dental phobia. This type of therapy helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to dental appointments. Medications such as anti-anxiety medication and sedatives can also be used to help alleviate symptoms of dental phobia.

If you have a fear of the dentist, it is important to talk to your dentist or a mental health professional. They can work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

Communication with Dentist

Effective communication with your dentist is essential in overcoming fear of the dentist. It is important to express your fears and concerns to your dentist so that they can understand and address them. Your dentist can also provide you with information about the procedures you will be undergoing, as well as options for sedation or pain management.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and meditation can also be helpful in managing dental phobia. Practicing these techniques before and during appointments can help you feel more relaxed and in control.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help individuals relax during dental procedures. There are different types of sedation, including oral sedation, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and IV sedation. Your dentist can discuss the options with you and determine which type of sedation is best for you.


Dental phobia is a common anxiety disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is important to understand that this fear can be treated and that there are options available for managing it. If you have a fear of the dentist, it is essential to talk to your dentist or a mental health professional. They can work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and help you overcome your fear of the dentist.


Affordable Dental Implants: Where to Find Them?

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing or damaged teeth. However, they can be expensive and not covered by many insurance plans. This can make it difficult for some people to afford them. But there are ways to find affordable dental implants. In this article, we will explore some options for finding affordable dental implants.

Dental Schools

One of the best places to find affordable dental implants is at a dental school. Dental schools offer a wide range of services, including dental implants, at a reduced cost. This is because dental students are performing the procedures under the supervision of experienced dental professionals. The cost savings can be significant, and the quality of care is still high. To find a dental school near you, you can search online or ask your dentist for recommendations.

Clinics That Offer Sliding Scale Fees

Another option for finding affordable dental implants is to look for clinics that offer sliding scale fees. These clinics charge patients based on their income and financial situation. This means that if you have a lower income, you will pay less for your dental implants. Some clinics may also offer financing options to help make dental implants more affordable. To find a clinic near you that offers sliding scale fees, you can search online or ask your dentist for recommendations.

Dental Discount Plans

Another option for finding affordable dental implants is to sign up for a dental discount plan. These plans are not insurance, but they do offer discounts on dental procedures, including dental implants. Dental discount plans can be a good option if you do not have dental insurance or if your insurance does not cover dental implants. To find a dental discount plan, you can search online or ask your dentist for recommendations.

Government Assistance Programs

If you are having trouble affording dental implants, you may be eligible for government assistance. Some government programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, may cover the cost of dental implants. However, these programs have different eligibility requirements and may not cover the full cost of the procedure. Additionally, state and local government programs may also be available to help cover the cost of dental implants. It’s worth checking with your local government to see what assistance programs are available.


Crowdfunding is an innovative way to raise funds for medical procedures, including dental implants. Crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe allow you to create a fundraising campaign to raise money for your dental implants. You can share your campaign with friends, family, and even strangers, who can donate money to help you pay for your dental implants.


Q: What are dental implants?

A: Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed or removable replacement teeth. They are made of titanium and are surgically placed into the jawbone.

Q: How much do dental implants cost?

A: The cost of dental implants can vary depending on factors such as location, the number of implants needed, and the type of implant used. On average, the cost can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per implant. However, some affordable options may be available through dental savings plans or financing options.

Q: Are dental implants covered by insurance?

A: Dental insurance coverage for implants can vary depending on the individual plan. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost, while others may not cover them at all. It’s best to check with your insurance provider to see what coverage is available.


In conclusion, dental implants can be an effective and popular way to replace missing or damaged teeth, but they can also be expensive. However, there are ways to find affordable dental implants. Dental schools, clinics that offer sliding scale fees, dental discount plans, government assistance programs, and crowdfunding are all options to consider when searching for affordable dental implants. It’s worth exploring all options available to you to find the most affordable option.


Kids Dentists and How to Find

When it comes to taking care of your family’s dental health needs, one of the most difficult decisions is choosing a kids dentist. You want to be sure that the dentist you choose will provide your child with the best possible care and make them feel comfortable during their appointment. Finding the right kids dentist can be a tricky process, but with a little bit of research and preparation, you can make it easier on yourself and your family. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for finding the best kids dentists in your area as well as what to look for when making your decision.

What is a kids dentist?

A kids dentist is a dentist who specializes in the dental care of children. They have the training and experience to provide comprehensive dental care for kids of all ages, from infants to teens. Kids dentists can provide preventive care, diagnosis and treatment of dental problems, and help your child develop good oral hygiene habits.

When choosing a kids dentist, it is important to find one who is experienced and qualified to treat children. You should also look for a kids dentist who has a friendly and welcoming office staff, and who makes your child feel comfortable during their visit. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask the dentist or office staff before making an appointment.

The benefits of going to a kids dentist

When it comes to finding the best dentist for your child, there are many factors to consider. One important factor is whether or not the dentist specializes in pediatrics. A kids dentist has additional training and experience in caring for children’s teeth, gums, and mouths. They understand the unique needs of kids and are better equipped to provide them with the quality dental care they deserve.

There are many benefits to taking your child to see a kids dentist. They can provide preventive care and early detection of dental problems, which can save you time and money in the long run. They can also help your child develop good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime. And, perhaps most importantly, they can make going to the dentist a positive and enjoyable experience for your child.

How to find the best kids dentist

When it comes to finding the best dentist for your child, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to find a dentist who is experienced in treating children. This will ensure that your child is comfortable during their appointment and that they’re getting the best possible care. You’ll also want to find a dentist who offers a variety of services, such as preventative care, dental sealants, and teeth cleanings. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure the dentist’s office is clean and welcoming, and that the staff is friendly and accommodating. Finally, you’ll want to compare prices and services before making your final decision. By following these tips, you’re sure to find the best kids dentist for your family.

What to expect at your child’s first dentist appointment

At your child’s first dentist appointment, the dentist will assess your child’s oral health and recommend a treatment plan. The dentist will also discuss with you the best way to care for your child’s teeth at home.

Tips for keeping your child’s teeth healthy

To ensure that your child’s teeth are healthy, it is important to brush and floss them regularly. You should also have your child visit the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. In addition, you can help keep your child’s teeth healthy by teaching them to eat healthy foods and avoid sugary drinks.


Finding the right dentist for your children should not be a daunting task. With the right research and knowledge, you can determine which dentists are best suited to handle their dental needs while also providing an enjoyable experience. We hope that this article gave you insight into what to look for when searching for kids dentists and what factors make them stand out from the rest. Remember that your child’s oral health is important, so take time to find a professional who will provide them with comprehensive care and attention.


Google laid off 12,000 people in a single day

Alphabet, the owner of the popular search engine Google, has said that it is laying off 12,000 people, which is 6% of its total workforce.

According to the British news agency Reuters, the technology sector is laying off people because the future of this sector is linked to artificial intelligence.

This American company is considered a leader in artificial intelligence. But Alphabet currently faces a technology challenge from Microsoft, which can generate virtually any content that users can think of and type into a text box.

Microsoft said this week that the economy is forcing it to cut 10,000 jobs, or 5 percent of the company’s workforce.

Microsoft says it will advance its products through artificial intelligence. This is a point that Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai also made.

Sundar Pichai took over as CEO of Alphabet in 2019. Alphabet, he says, has been facing “a different economic reality for the last two years when it had to hire people in large numbers.”

He said that he takes full responsibility for this process.

Sundar Pichai said that Google is preparing a completely new experience for users, developers and businesses and that is artificial intelligence.